This is why we say that mechanical mods aren’t meant for inexperienced vapers.
A guy in Arkansas bought a Fu Chai mechanical mod two weeks ago in an attempt to quit smoking. It’s unlikely that he even knew that mechanical mods were potentially dangerous before one of them exploded in his face. Mechanical mods are designed specifically for advanced vapers who appreciate the hobbyist aspect of vaping, and should only be used by those who have extensive vaping experience and knowledge of battery safety, Ohm’s Law, etc.
Lots of people say that you shouldn’t use a tank on a mechanical mod, but The Smok TVF4 tank that he was using has a positive pin that protudes enough that it most likely wouldn’t cause a mod to explode, so it seems like he most likely was using a damaged battery.
If you’re vaping with a mechanical mod, definitely make sure that you get yourself an Ohm reader right away, and you most likely won’t have to worry about this.
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