A bored vaper managed to hack his eVic-VTC mini mod so that he could play Flappy Bird on the OLED screen. Balazas Bank was able to use the upgradeable firmware to install a ROM containing the game, which is controlled using the buttons on the vape itself.
Here’s a video of the game in all its glory:
Feeling jealous?
Fortunately Bank was altruistic enough to give us all instructions on how to do it so we can all play as well (I haven’t tried it yet so if it screws up your vape it’s on you):
You can download the firmware file (.bin) from here:
https://goo.gl/AKdSGH (MEGA)
https://goo.gl/NP51qa (Google Drive)
DISCLAIMER: Flash this firmware at your own risk. I will not take any responsibility for damaging your device.
Install game:
1. Download and unzip the compressed folder.
2. Connect the eVic-VTC Mini to the computer.
3. Open the official UpdateFirmware.exe (it’s in the archive or you can download from Joyetech’s site).
4. Click Update button then select FlappyBird.bin.
5. Enjoy (or not) the ‘game’.
Reinstall original firmware:
1. Disconnect the usb cable and the battery from the VTC Mini.
2. Push the right button (and hold) on the VTC Mini, plug in the USB cable, release the button.
3. Now you can install the original firmware (also found in the archive or downloaded from official site) with the updater.
Plase note that I made this in a few hours and it’s still in beta stage.
He was also able to get a version of Snake playing on his vape. For all of you 18 year olds out there, Snake is a game that was popular in the pre-smartphone era. Here’s the video: