- We wrote about the best Christmas gifts to get for vapers.
- Are doctors in the UK really about to prescribe e-cigs?
- Representative Duncan Hunter defended vaping in an awesome opinion piece in The Hill.
- Why the “popcorn lung” stories are a load of steaming horseshit.
- We reviewed the Sigelei Fuchai 200W box mod.
- Here are the six essential features of the perfect e-juice bottle.
- How to not act like an entitled dick when buying things online during the busy holiday season.
- Jail time for vaping in Singapore?
- British Prime Minister David Cameron publicly endorsed e-cigs.
- Average B&M vape shop earns HOW MUCH per year?
- The word “vape” featured on Who Wants to Be a Millionaire, which is apparently still a thing.
- Rolling Stone might have a reputation for shitty journalism, but they knocked it out of the park with this awesome pro-vaping article.
- We outlined some cool vaping shit you can buy on Amazon Prime.
- Duncan Hunter proved that he has the biggest set of balls in Congress when he wrote a pro-vaping letter to Nancy Pelosi.
- Here’s how newbies can use e-cigs to quit smoking this new year.
- Police in Malaysia confiscated 574 bottles of e-juice. Assholes.
- A new study proves that e-cigarette advertising doesn’t make kids want to start smoking.
- A Christmas house fire was officially caused by an exploding e-cigarette.
- A shitty unknown university decided to try their hand at clickbait by claiming to want to ban the word “vape”.
Also don’t forget to check out the posts you may have missed back in November as well.