Rolling paper is needed to make the kind of cigarette that does not burn too fast, and does not easily fall apart. What is rolling paper? It is simply the extra-thin paper that is wrapped around the tobacco in a cigarette, usually the white part. One end usually has the filter, marked by thicker brown paper.
Does the Kind of Rolling Paper Matter?
The kind of rolling paper matters to the experience you have with your cigarette. If you buy factory-made cigarettes, you can tell the cheaper alternatives by how fast they burn or fall apart. If you roll your own, you can choose the right kind of paper that will allow you to enjoy your cigarette in the best way.
What are the Kinds of Rolling Paper?
If you want to try rolling your own cigarette, or even just want to learn more about your personal brand of cigarettes, there are three types of rolling paper: hemp, rice, and wood pulp.
Hemp is a kind of rolling paper with good grip, which makes a tight cigarette that doesn’t fall apart or burn too fast. The material also avoids using tree-based products. It can be a bit bulky, and sometimes it has a slight taste, but that usually does not affect the experience.
Rice paper is another kind of rolling paper which is thinner than either hemp or wood pulp paper. This makes it perfect for a non-bulky, extremely compact cigarette that does not burn too quickly because of the material (which is literally pressed and processed rice). Rice paper can be slippery, so it might take some practice if you roll your cigarettes yourself.
Wood pulp is the most commonly used, so it might be the one you’re most familiar with. Most factories also use this. They are not as slippery as rice paper, and not as bulky as hemp, so it’s a good place to start for rolling your own cigarettes. However, some paper burns faster than rice paper, so it’s best to do your research on what type of paper for marijuana would be best for you.